Treatment Method

Dry Needling Therapy in Suwanee, GA

dry needling therapy being provided in suwanee ga

Dry Needling

If you're curious about including dry needling therapy in your physical therapy routine, it's smart to understand the difference between dry needling therapy and acupuncture. While both types of therapy involve placing needles in the skin, dry needling therapy is specifically used to help with mobility and pain issues.

Here, we'll explore what you need to know about dry needling to decide whether it's a good fit for your physical therapy needs.

About Dry Needling

We get it--the idea of needles can produce anxiety, and you may be nervous about deciding whether you want to try dry needling therapy as a part of your wellness routine. Most people find that dry needling is painless, and that they experience pain relief and increased mobility as a result of the dry needling process.

Dry needling is also known as trigger point therapy. A trigger point is a tight muscle point that can cause issues with your range of motion. You may experience pain or tightness in and around a trigger point. In many cases, dry needling can decrease muscle tightness when applied to a trigger point, resulting in pain relief.

Usually, dry needling therapy is used in conjunction with other types of physical therapy to help patients regain mobility and experience pain relief. Many people prefer dry needling to more invasive or chemical methods of pain relief, as the treatment is safe, simple, and typically does not have any side effects.

Dry needling can be used in a number of areas of the body, including the shoulders, back, hips, heels, and neck. If you're experiencing pain and are curious about whether dry needling is a good fit for you, talk with your physical therapist about whether it makes sense to incorporate this type of treatment into your overall wellness plan.

What is Dry Needling?

When you arrive for your first dry needling treatment, you'll meet with a qualified physical therapist who will explain every step of the procedure before you get started. You'll go over your concerns so that your physical therapist can tailor your treatment to maximize your results.

Your physical therapist will insert thin monofilament needles into the area where you're experiencing pain, allowing your muscle to relax. Many people go through several dry needling treatments to help them experience maximum benefits of this type of therapy.

Benefits of Dry Needling

There are many benefits to dry needling therapy, including:

  • Increased blood flow
  • Lowered inflammation
  • Increased healing response
  • Relaxed trigger points

Why Choose Back in the Game Physical Therapy?

At Back in the Game Physical Therapy, our patients are our top priority. We see you as a whole person, not a chart or a number, and we're excited about getting to know you and helping you live a healthier life. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can meet your physical therapy needs.


Symptoms Dry Needling Helps

  • Acute and Chronic Tendonitis
  • Post-Traumatic Injuries
  • Sports and Work Related Injuries
• Headache and Neck pain
• Lower Back Pain
  • Chronic Pains

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