Your to-do list is a mile long, laundry is piling up, and there are approximately one hundred emails in your work inbox. Your time is spoken for on so many levels and is a limited commodity. We understand that means appointments, like physical therapy, can often be viewed as a “time suck.” But there are ways to maximize your time during your appointment that will also maximize the benefits you get from physical therapy. Here are tips on how to get the most out of physical therapy.
We know that fitting physical therapy into your busy schedule can be hard. But if you are willing to ask questions, be honest with your physical therapist, and stay consistent, you will see the results of physical therapy, whether you are recovering from an injury or working to manage a chronic condition. If you are interested in how physical therapy can help you, contact one of our three convenient locations.
Brendon Blake
Owner & Physical Therapist
Specialities: He is well versed in the treatment of orthopedic injuries with a specific interest in treating the spine, manual therapy, sports rehabilitation, and chronic pain.
Certifications: Brendon has advanced training in dry needling with a Certification in Dynamic Integrative Needling (Cert. DIN), and also has advanced training in manual therapy in spinal and extremity manipulation.
Location(s): Suwanee, GA / Flowery, GA / Dacula, GA