Treatment Method
When it comes to recovery from injuries or surgery, or simply managing pain and chronic health issues, physical therapy is a common prescription. With the right exercise regime, you can help restore lost functionality and build up your body in a way that assists with pain management.
What you might not know is that manual therapy can fit into a physical therapy regime and add immeasurable benefit to your healthcare strategy.
Manual therapy is part of a holistic approach to wellness, pain management, and injury recovery. It is folded in with traditional examinations and treatment methods, combined with exercise, pain education, and other physical therapy options.
The thing to understand about manual therapy is that it refers to the part of this holistic approach that involves the physical use of hands by a therapist.
This might trigger images of
massage therapy — and that is certainly part of manual therapy — but there are other techniques and opportunities with this approach to healthcare.
One of the easiest ways to better understand manual therapy is to take a look at the various techniques that are used by medical professionals:
While these are the primary techniques of manual therapy, any therapy that involves physical touch from a healthcare professional could fall into this category.
Manual therapy is a great choice for a couple of reasons. First, the hands-on approach is able to provide subtle, sophisticated therapeutic responses that can do more than a simple exercise or machine. Second, and more importantly, manual therapy is typically folded into a full wellness regime. You can get the best of physical therapy exercises and machines combined with manual therapy treatments, all under the diagnosis and prescription of a professional healthcare provider.
It’s the holistic approach that provides the best care, and modern manual therapy is built around that model, giving you the best options for physical recovery and improvement. If you would like to explore exactly how manual therapy might be able to help you, contact us today. We’ll be happy to hear from you.
4754 Martin Road, Suite 200
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Phone: (770) 967-4377
Fax: (770) 967-8077
Monday thru Thursday
7am - 6pm
7am - 5pm
Lunch: 12-1pm daily