Treatment Method

Shockwave Therapy in Suwanee, GA

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy Atlanta Metro Area, MyAct Therapy, acoustic wave therapy


About MyAct

Using sound waves to heal sore muscles might sound like something out of a science-fiction film, but it's here--and it's ready to help you get the relief that you need. MyAct Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy in Suwanee at Back in the Game Physical Therapy is here to provide relief from chronic and acute pain.

Looking for Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyAct) in the Suwanee, GA? Look no further than BIG PT, we are here to help!

What is Myofacial Acoustic Compression Therapy?

Myofascial acoustic compression therapy, or MyACT, is a non-surgical method of getting rid of chronic musculoskeletal pain. When you have a MyACT treatment, painless sound waves move through your body's tissues.

While MyACT treatment is painless, it has a myriad of benefits for your muscles. When the sound waves move through your body's tissues, you'll experience an increased blood flow to the treatment area, which can help damaged and painful tissues begin the process of healing. You may also experience a reversal of chronic inflammation, which can lead to fast pain relief.

Your tissues will also experience the stimulation of collagen production and the dissolving of calcium supplies, which can help to protect your muscles from pain. When you use the MyACT system to treat your pain, you're creating the optimal environment for healing and pain relief. Many people find that they're able to better move through the daily activities of life following regular MyACT treatments.

How Does it Work?

MyACT uses the PiezoWave2 machine, which uses sound waves at a variety of depths to target the areas in which you're experiencing chronic or acute pain. This allows the sound waves to manipulate and compress your tissues in a way that leads to lasting pain relief.

When you come in for your MyACT appointment, you'll talk with your clinician about what your goals are for the treatment process, and together, you'll develop a plan for pain relief. If you and your clinician decide that the MyACT treatment is the right fit for you, they'll identify your treatment sites and mark them on your chart.

To prepare the site for treatment, your clinician will apply a layer of gel to your skin. This will allow the sound waves to seamlessly penetrate tissues. Your clinician will start to apply the device at a low frequency to ensure that you feel comfortable. Your clinician may adjust the frequency of the sound waves depending on your treatment site and your goals for treatment.

Communication with your clinician is key throughout the process. While you'll feel a dull ache from the machine, you shouldn't feel pain. If the process becomes painful, your clinician will adjust the intensity of treatment to a level that's a good fit for you.

Why Choose MyAct Therapy?

MyACT therapy at BIG PT is fast, and your sessions will take just ten to twenty minutes, making it easy for you to get the therapy you need in a time that makes sense for you. This non-invasive treatment is the perfect way to help your body begin the healing process and help you get back to the life that you love.


Symptoms MyAct Helps

  • Acute and Chronic Tendonitis
  • Post-Traumatic Injuries
  • Sports and Work Related Injuries
• Headache and Neck pain
• Lower Back Pain
  • Chronic Pains

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